Key Shifts in Everyday Luxury, part 1 of 10: Minimalism makes way for maximalism
September 18, 2019
Canopy ViewsWelcome to Canopy's key shifts series! We're kicking off the series by digging into the key shifts in the world of Everyday Luxury, starting with shift number 1:
From Minimalist & Monochrome to Maximalist & Clashing
In dominant (mainstream) culture, a sense of everyday luxury is frequently created through quiet minimalist design and monochromatic palettes. These black and white, minimalist forms are often accented in gold, rose gold or silver to subtly evoke preciousness.
Examples of minimalism in action in the cultural mainstream:

Emergently, however, everyday luxury brands are using bright, clashing colours and prints, embracing maximalist design. This is a conscious move away from restrained mainstream minimalism, celebrating diversity and eclecticism over form and function.
Examples of maximalism breaking through: